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Pilates's Contrology

Pilates's Contrology

This method of exercising was formed by Joseph Hubertus Pilates. He was born at the end of the 19th century in Düsseldorf, Germany. His childhood was complicated with a range of illnesses. His desire to be healthy and strong man brought him to creation of the unique method of exercising, which combines principles of eastern philosophy, yoga and western force gymnastic elements. In the thirties of the last century, his method became so important that the German government asked him to teach it in the army. The exercise by J. H. Pilates helped to restore movability and improved mental health to many veterans from the first world war. The method achieved the greatest popularity in the USA, where Pilates developed and improved it.

Professional dancers, sportsmen, actors do Pilates to keep in a good shape. Pilates is also used in rehabilitation facilities, with various aids or on machines specially made for this exercise - reformer, cadillac.

During exercising, you will learn how to use your intercostal muscles for breathing and you will learn to concentrate your mind on fluent and wilfully movements. You will also find where are the muscles of pelvis floor, how can we control them and how to firm up the whole of your body to make the spine more flexible and firmer. Literally, you will learn to control your body in motion. Not in vain Mr. J. H. Pilates called his composition of the basic 36 exercises "contrology".

Principles of the method

  1. skill of breathing
  2. skill of concentrated mind
  3. center of strength - the corset
  4. fluency of motion
  5. accuracy of motion

Fitballs, magic circles, bosu, rollers, terabands and other training equipment of some studios help to make lessons more varied and to intensification of Pilates exercises. The role of instructor is not aimed at demonstration and explanation of exercises, but primarily at correction and help for exercisers. That is the reason for exercising in groups with maximum of 10 people. It is not unusual to provide an individual lesson where the instructor pays all his attention to you and makes the lesson tailored to your needs according to your disposals and problems.

Everybody at any age can do Pilates, it is never too late.

reformer bosu cadillac magic circle chair balon